Posts Tagged ‘Lisbon’
Tuesday, November 6th, 2018
Deepavali, or Diwali, is the Hindu festival of lights and is a public holiday in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka and Nepal.
A little wall lamp in Lisbon, Portugal, bringing light to the darkest corner of this lonely staircase.
The word “Diwali” is the shortened form of “Deepavali” which literally means “row of lamps”.
The festival commemorates the victory of Lord Krishna over the tyrant King Narakasura in ancient India and is symbolic of the triumph of good over evil – and light over darkness.
Tags:Deepavali, Diwali, festival, Hindu, holiday, Lisbon, Portugal, Singapore
Posted in Holiday, Huawei, Photos, Portugal 2017, POTD, POTD, travel | No Comments »
Saturday, April 22nd, 2017
The actual press conference for IFA 2017 in Berlin (1-6 September) will be held at 11am today in Lisbon, Portugal. Stay tuned for the excerpt and press release.
Stay tuned for the outcome of the global press conference for IFA 2017 in this slot. I will update this posting once it’s out.
So IFA 2017 will see the emphasis put on Brands and focus placed on Innovation.
Dr. Christian Goke, CEO Messe Berlin leading the discussion panel during the Global Press Conference.
The press release will be appended below once I receive it.
Tags:analysis, briefs, consumer electronics, events, exhibitions, home appliances, IFA, IFA GPC, IFA GPC 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, power briefings, presentations, press conference, S8, Samsung, travel, trends
Posted in Air Purifiers, Announce, Appliances, Audio, Brief, earphones, Events, events, Exhibition, Fans, Gadgets, Hair Dryers, headphones, headsets, Philips, Portugal 2017, Press Release, Reference, Samsung, Seagate, Seminars, Shavers, Tech news, Tickers, TV | No Comments »
Friday, April 21st, 2017
The AMBEO Smart Headset brings binaural sound recording to the consumer market. Price & availability TBA.
The Sennheiser AMBEO Smart Headset features an integrated premium Apogee A/D Converter built into the remote control.
Sennheiser has designed the AMBEO Smart Headset to be an intuitive, compact and mobile binaural recording headset.
First showcased at the CES 2017, the AMBEO Smart Headset captures immersive 3D audio with the simplicity of a mobile device.
“With this new headset you can use your iOS device’s camera to record, experience and relive the same balance of three dimensional sound and 180° visual perspective that we as human beings are accustomed to in our perception of the world,” explains Dr. Andreas Sennheiser, co-CEO Sennheiser.
The binaural audio recordings created with the AMBEO Smart Headset offer a stunning 3D experience – placing the listener inside the soundscape and playing back the direction of sounds and natural spatial characteristics of a location.
To create this headset, Sennheiser partnered with Apogee, the manufacturer of professional audio device, and an industry leader of digital audio recording.
The AMBEO Smart Headset produces detailed and realistic recording via two omni-directional microphones integrated in the ear pieces that work alongside a premium A/D converter, mic preamp and SoftLimit from Apogee.
The two microphones capture the subtle differences in timing, volume and timbre that occur as sounds from different directions reach each ear.
Tags:3D audio, AMBEO, Apogee, audio, audio visual, AV, briefs, events, exhibitions, headset, Hi-Fi, IFA, IFA GPC, IFA GPC 2017, Lisbon, new arrivals, Portugal, power briefings, Sennheiser
Posted in Accessories, Announce, Audio, audioVisual, Brief, earphones, Entertainment, Events, events, Gadgets, gadgets, headsets, newArrivals, Press Release, Recorder, Sennheiser | No Comments »
Friday, April 21st, 2017
The first day of the IFA GPC 2017 comprises a series of power briefs by industry leaders and analysts on the latest trends and products in consumer electronics and home appliances. Here is a rundown on what transpired in those proceedings.
Finally getting down to business. Looking forward to hearing what industry experts have to share about the trends and predictions in consumer electronics and home appliances.
There are altogether eight power briefings and one discussion panel.
As I attend these sessions, I will post a brief synopsis of each session on Instagram and consolidate all the synopses here. So stay tuned!
Power briefing 1
Power briefing 2
Tags:analysis, briefs, consumer electronics, events, exhibitions, home appliances, IFA, IFA GPC, IFA GPC 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, power briefings, presentations, S8, Samsung, travel, trends
Posted in Appliances, audioVisual, Big Data, Brief, Business IT, Events, events, Exhibition, Gadgets, gadgets, Internet of Things, Mobile, Opinion, Philips, Portugal 2017, Reference, Samsung, Seminars, Sennheiser, Study, Technology | No Comments »
Thursday, April 20th, 2017
IFA GPC 2017 commences from 20-23 April so we spent most of today in the air, flying 8 hours from Singapore to Dubai in UAE; and another 8 hours onwards to Lisbon, Portugal; with a 6-hour transit in the Dubai International Airport.
* This article was first published on The Travel Memoir.
So the entire journey took around 24 hours, if you include the 2 hours earlier you got to turn up at the airport to check in.
I flew Emirates Airlines and the check-in and transit was smooth.
The first leg from Singapore to Dubai was in an Airbus A380-800 and the seats in coach were relatively spacious and comfortable.
Tags:airlines, airports, Boeing, Changi Airport, Changi Recommends, DBX, Dubai International Airport, Emirates, events, exhibitions, hotels, Huawei, IFA, IFA GPC, IFA GPC 2017, Lisbon, P10+, Portugal, S8, Samsung, travel
Posted in Events, events, Exhibition, Huawei, Phones, Portugal 2017, Samsung, Seminars, smartphones, Travel, travel | No Comments »
Wednesday, April 19th, 2017
IFA Global Press Conference 2017 is happening this weekend in Lisbon, Portugal. I will be covering this consumer electronics and home appliances showcase, as part of a small group of media the show organisers invited from Singapore.

The media delegation from Singapore is part of an international corp invited by Messe Berlin, the organisers of IFA and this Global Press Conference.
IFA this year will be from 1-6 September, 2017.
As a lead-up to the actual trade show in September, the organisers have gathered some of the key exhibitors and media from around the world in a preview mini-show, featuring product showcases, as well as briefs and presentations on the latest trends on consumer electronics and home appliances.
Stay tuned over the next few days (especially 21-22 Apr, Fri-Sat) when the show will be in full tilt.
I’ll be bringing along a couple of newest and latest gadgets to try out during the trip.
Tags:appliances, Canon, consumer, DELL, electronics, EOS 77D, event forecast, events, exhibitions, IFA, IFA GPC, IFA GPC 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, S8, Samsung, travel, Vostro
Posted in Appliances, Cameras, cameras, Canon, Dell, DSLR, EOS, Event forecast, Events, events, Exhibition, Gadgets, gadgets, GALAXY, newArrivals, Notebooks, notebooks, Phones, Samsung, Seminars, smartphones, t4tEvents, travel | No Comments »
Monday, March 27th, 2017
IFA this year will be from 1-6 September, 2017. As in previous years, the annual consumer electronics & home appliances show will be preceded by a preview mini-show for the media from 20-23 April.

This year’s IFA GPC will be in Lisbon, Portugal (20-23 April, 2017). Venues in the past have included Dubrovnik in Croatia (2012), Sardinia in Italy (2013), and Belek in Turkey (2014).
IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin – international radio exhibition Berlin) is a global consumer electronics and home appliances show held annually in Berlin in September.
IFA 2016 saw more than 1,800 exhibitors showing off their products to 238,000 visitors (including139,000 trade visitors) in 158,000 sqm of rented display area.
Every year, the organisers hold a global press conference (IFA GPC) in another European city (2016 was an exception, when the GPC was held in Hong Kong & Shenzhen).
Tags:appliances, consumer, electronics, event forecast, events, exhibitions, IFA, IFA GPC, IFA GPC 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, travel
Posted in Appliances, Audio, Event forecast, Events, events, Exhibition, Gadgets, gadgets, Healthcare, Medical, Philips, Portugal 2017, Seminars, Sennheiser, travel | 1 Comment »