Posts Tagged ‘consumer electronics’

IFA GPC 2017 – Global Press Conference for IFA 2017

Saturday, April 22nd, 2017

The actual press conference for IFA 2017 in Berlin (1-6 September) will be held at 11am today in Lisbon, Portugal. Stay tuned for the excerpt and press release.

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Stay tuned for the outcome of the global press conference for IFA 2017 in this slot. I will update this posting once it’s out.

So IFA 2017 will see the emphasis put on Brands and focus placed on Innovation.

Dr. Christian Goke, CEO Messe Berlin leading the discussion panel during the Global Press Conference.

The press release will be appended below once I receive it.


Day 1 of IFA GPC 2017 – Power briefs & discussion panels

Friday, April 21st, 2017

The first day of the IFA GPC 2017 comprises a series of power briefs by industry leaders and analysts on the latest trends and products in consumer electronics and home appliances. Here is a rundown on what transpired in those proceedings.

Finally getting down to business. Looking forward to hearing what industry experts have to share about the trends and predictions in consumer electronics and home appliances.

There are altogether eight power briefings and one discussion panel.

As I attend these sessions, I will post a brief synopsis of each session on Instagram and consolidate all the synopses here. So stay tuned!

Power briefing 1

Power briefing 2
