Day 1 of IFA GPC 2017 – Power briefs & discussion panels

The first day of the IFA GPC 2017 comprises a series of power briefs by industry leaders and analysts on the latest trends and products in consumer electronics and home appliances. Here is a rundown on what transpired in those proceedings.

Finally getting down to business. Looking forward to hearing what industry experts have to share about the trends and predictions in consumer electronics and home appliances.

There are altogether eight power briefings and one discussion panel.

As I attend these sessions, I will post a brief synopsis of each session on Instagram and consolidate all the synopses here. So stay tuned!

Power briefing 1

Power briefing 2

#IFAgpc17 #PowerBriefing by #GfK: Market insights – Consumer Electronics in Europe. Europe is a mature market where consumers are experienced with latest technologies. Boyny discusses whether there are differences between west and east or north and south, about multi-ownership in TV, screensizes used in households, and what can we expect as Russia hosts the #FIFA #WorldCup in 2018. He also briefed on connected HIFI and whether all countries will sell same products and technologies. @Jurgen.Boyny is the Global Director of Consumer Electronics at GfK. #IFAgpc2017 #t4tIFAgpc17 #tech4tea #t4tEvents #IFApowerBrief #t4tTV @gfkBelgium #t4tIFAgpc2017 Photo taken using a #Samsung #Galaxy #S8 smartphone. #SamsungGalaxyS8 #t4tSamsung #t4tSamsungGalaxyS8 @samsungMobile @samsung_sg

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Power briefing 3

#IFAgpc17 #PowerBriefing by #Sennheiser: Enter the future of #audio: Creating immersive sound experiences with #AMBEO. In the future, our way of experiencing sound and music will undergo a fundamental change: 3D audio technology will increase the emotional intensity and quality of sound by providing a sense of deep immersion. Dr. @AndreasSennheiser, CEO of @Sennheiser briefs how his companny is driving this evolution with AMBEO, a technology program that creates audio experiences that feel as if they completely surround the listener. The potential for this technology lies in a wide variety of applications in the field of recording, processing, mixing and reproduction of sound. For example in consumer products like the new AMBEO Smart Headset – a compact earphone for 3D binaural audio recording. #IFAgpc2017 #t4tIFAgpc17 #tech4tea #t4tEvents #IFApowerBrief #t4tAudio @sennheiserSingapore #t4tIFAgpc2017 Photo taken using a #Samsung #Galaxy #S8 smartphone. #SamsungGalaxyS8 #t4tSamsung #t4tSamsungGalaxyS8 @samsungMobile @samsung_sg

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Power briefing 4

#IFAgpc17 #PowerBriefing by #GfK: Market insights – Major & Small #DomesticAppliances. Natalia Andrievskaya discussed the market development in Major Domestic #Appliances (MDA) while Udo Jansen briefed that in Small Domestic Appliances (SDA). They talked about the need to challenging the status quo: from innovations in form-factors to smartization. Conditions under which transformation from industry push to consumer pull happen. With the global SDA market driven by continuous innovations in different areas, Jansen addressed the key drivers for growth in floor care, air treatment, kitchen appliances and personal care, as well as smart appliances & connected products. Natalia Andrievskaya (@kasat_ka) is the Global Director for MDA at GfK while Udo Jansen is the Global Director for SDA. #IFAgpc2017 #t4tIFAgpc17 #tech4tea #t4tEvents #IFApowerBrief @gfkBelgium #t4tIFAgpc2017 Photo taken using a #Samsung #Galaxy #S8 smartphone. #SamsungGalaxyS8 #t4tSamsung #t4tSamsungGalaxyS8 @samsungMobile @samsung_sg

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Power briefing 5

#IFAgpc17 #PowerBriefing by #GfK: Market insights – Digital World in Asia. Gerard Tan examines how fast Asian consumers are adopting #mobility and what they are using it for. With Asia’s mixed bag of countries from the very emerging to the very matured, Tan looks at how the brands are adapting and whether there are many opportunities left. Asia remains the largest technology adoption region in the World, with China, India, Japan and Indonesia leading the way. Are consumers willing to spend more on the newest tech and if so, what’s in it for the manufacturers? Gerard Tan is the Director APAC, Digital World at GfK. #IFAgpc2017 #t4tIFAgpc17 #tech4tea #t4tEvents #IFApowerBrief @gfkBelgium #t4tIFAgpc2017 Photo taken using a #Samsung #Galaxy #S8 smartphone. #SamsungGalaxyS8 #t4tSamsung #t4tSamsungGalaxyS8 @samsungMobile @samsung_sg

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Power briefing 6

#IFAgpc17 #PowerBriefing by #Samsung: A new era of #TV. Michael Zoeller, presents Samsung's 2017 premium TV line-up. He defines why 2017 marks a major paradigm shift in the visual display industry; how QLED TV represents yet another significant industry leap forward; and declares modern living deserves a new kind of TV viewing experience. The new line-up shows Samsung's endeavours of defining the future of home entertainment with advanced cutting-edge technology. Michael Zoeller is the VP & Head of Visual Display at Samsung Electronics Europe, #IFAgpc2017 #t4tIFAgpc17 #tech4tea #t4tEvents #IFApowerBrief #t4tTV #t4tIFAgpc2017 Photo taken using a #Samsung #Galaxy #S8 smartphone. #SamsungGalaxyS8 #t4tSamsung #t4tSamsungGalaxyS8

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Power briefing 7

Power briefing 8

Discussion panel

#IFAgpc17: Panel discussion on #innovation. The panel dwelved in how #ArtificialIntelligence (#AI) is changing everything. They discussed what would come next, and how AI, #VirtualReality (#VR) & #AugmentedReality would affect the world of consumer electronics from home appliances to mobile devices. The panel comprised the following: Piers Harding Rolls Director of Games Research IHS Technology (UK) Daniel-Jan Girl CEO #DIRROR (Germany) Christian Rebernik CEO and Co-Founder #6Voices (Germany) Dan Tynan Consumer Reports & US edition Guardian (USA) Tomi Adebayo #GadgetBoy (UK) Waichi Sekiguchi #Nikkei (Japan) #IFAgpc2017 #t4tIFAgpc17 #t4tIFAgpc2017 #tech4tea #t4tEvents #IFApowerBrief #t4tHealthcare @philipsSG Photo taken using a #Samsung #Galaxy #S8 smartphone. #SamsungGalaxyS8 #t4tSamsung #t4tSamsungGalaxyS8 @samsungMobile @samsung_sg

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