Most home vacuum cleaners are expert at cleaning up dry dust and dirt. The Roborock Dyad Air comes in useful when you have a wet mess on the floor – a cracked egg, spilt cereals with milk, overturned bowl of noodles in soup etc.
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Christmas present for the wife. No more stress when the egg drops onto the floor or the kids spill soup noodle on the floor. Roborock Dyad Air wet dry vacuum cleaner.
For regular vacuuming and mopping of the floor of the apartment, I depend on a robot vacuum which is able to accomplish the job well and without complaining – regardless of how frequently or how many iterations I put the robot through its paces.
Occasionally, the wife drops an egg on the kitchen floor, or the kids spills some cereals with milk, or I spill some noodles with oily soup on the floor.
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Roborock Dyad Air wet dry vacuum cleaner freshly unboxed.
That’s when we have to roll up our sleeves, get on all fours and clean up the mess manually.
You can’t use a dry vacuum on the wet mess because you don’t want the vacuum to suck up the wet egg white and yolk into the dust bag and goo up the parts between the vacuum head and the dust bag, and have food remnants rotting away inside the dry vacuum.
And you can’t mop up manually until after the solid debris – the shells, cereals, noodles – have been picked up and removed.
That’s why I got my wife the Dyad Air wet dry vacuum.
Technically the Dyad Air is just a wet vacuum/mop – it wets the roller mop (and therefore the floor surface) with clean water (you can add a mild Roborock detergent) and sucks up the entire mess – solid debris and wet spills – into the dirty water tank of the Dyad Air.