Clarity AV has launched the RS20i, Datasat’s newest entry into Singapore’s luxury home cinema market, offering to bridge the gap with the professional cinema sphere. Available from today for S$32,250.

Clarity has just launched the Datasat RS20i Digital Audio Processor in Singapore.
The RS20i is engineered according to the same architecture as Datasat’s AP20 professional processor, the ‘brains’ that processed audio content for James Bond’s Skyfall, Men in Black 3, Jurassic Park and more than 14,000 other Hollywood blockbusters.
Datasat AP20
The AP20 is an industry staple and a favorite of Hollywood’s creative minds.
It boasts 16 channels of digital and analog inputs and outputs, and is one of the few audio processors capable of 3D audio today.
Unlike currently available surround sound boxes and premium processors, the RS20i conforms to the full 16-channel Digital Cinema Package (the collection of files that complete a digital movie) specification mandated by the Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI).
With 16 channels of digital audio available, the RS20i supports up to 85 digital and analog inputs as well as 34 audio outputs.

The rear of the Dataset RS20i. Note the many digital/analog input/output sockets and three expansion slots.
This amount of outputs allows the audio processor to accommodate all surround sound formats currently available – including true 3D sound.
Clarity AV
Clarity is the sole distributor of the RS20i in Singapore and Malaysia.
It is a subsidiary of Clarity Group.
The company not only provides and installs sophisticated, high end entertainment systems for new homeowners but also works with owners of existing home theatres to enhance both audio and video quality.
In addition, three expansion slots allow for the easy addition of extra channels in the future.
The RS20i also allows audiophiles to fine tune audio exactly how they want and save the setting.
Once configured, it is easy to manage the setting with all the power of the RS20i available at the users’ fingertips through their smartphone, tablet or laptop.
The RS20i is the only home cinema solution to feature the market-leading Dirac Live room optimization technology.
Clarity AV 在新加坡开始发售 Dataset 的 RS20i Digital Audio Processor。这个售价$32,250新元的数码音频处理器是针对新加坡豪华住宅的私人影视市场。听过其影响效果真觉得“不同凡响”! – 科技点心(微薄)
Audio output is optimized from each speaker in a sound system so that it is perfectly balanced for the acoustic behavior of the listening environment where the speaker is situated, creating the most natural and immersive listening experience.
With sleek, elegant looks designed by Neal Feay Company, an award-winning designer of consumer electronics, the Datasat RS20i also makes an attractive component of any luxury home entertainment system.