Archive for the ‘Tech Focus’ Category

Tech Focus – 10 Predictions on How AI will Shape Technology in 2024

Friday, February 23rd, 2024

Ee Huei Sin shares ten predictions from Keysight Technologies on how AI’s influence will strengthen and impact technologies across industries in 2024.

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ready to direct physical-world activities in 2024?

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ready to direct physical-world activities in 2024?

With the introduction of ChatGPT, Dall-e, and many other tools to the public, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a hotly debated topic that will continue to dominate headlines throughout the decade.

Engineers are integrating AI into technologies and reaping the benefits to enhance operations, extract and leverage intelligence, and drive organisation-wide benefits across industries.

Here’s ten predictions from Keysight, on how AI’s influence will strengthen and impact technologies across industries in 2024.
