Posts Tagged ‘National Day Parade’
Thursday, August 6th, 2015
Here’s Part 3 of the three-part series on tips for shooting fireworks photos – on what kind of lens to use and getting creative with composition. Contributed by Canon Imaging Academy.

Use a wide angle lens to capture the entire fireworks scene. Photo credit: Canon Imaging Academy Associate Trainer Joseph Goh, Joseph Goh Photography.
Below is the final of the three-part series on tips for shooting dazzling photos of fireworks.
Editor’s note
Since the fireworks for the National Day celebrations are on such a big scale, it essentially covers a large amount of sky over the Marina Bay.
In order to capture all the different types of fireworks firing at the same time, and to avoid cropping part of a firework burst, use a wide angle camera that have a large field of view.
If you are using a zoom lens, zoom out to the widest angle.
Tags:cameras, Canon, Canon Imaging Academy, Fireworks, howto, jubilee, National Day Parade, NDP, photography, SG50, tips
Posted in Canon, Howtos, Photography, Photos, POTD, Reference, Tips | No Comments »
Wednesday, August 5th, 2015
Here’s Part 2 of the three-part series on tips for shooting fireworks photos – on what settings to use in your camera. Contributed by Canon Imaging Academy.

Ever wondered what camera settings to use for shooting fireworks? Check out the recommendations from the Canon Imaging Academy. Photo credit: Canon Imaging Academy.
Here are some settings that are optimal for shooting fireworks.
Editor’s note
Many cameras, including compact ones have a dedicated Scene mode for shooting fireworks where many of the camera settings highlighted below are automatically set to appropriate levels generally suitable for fireworks.
However, because the settings are pre-canned and generally shooting most fireworks, you can’t change the settings to custom-fit the exact lighting situations or to realise your specific artistic expression.
If you want the best shots, try out the settings suggested below by the Canon Imaging Academy.
Tags:cameras, Canon, Canon Imaging Academy, Fireworks, howto, jubilee, National Day Parade, NDP, photography, SG50, tips
Posted in Cameras, Canon, Compact camera, DSLR, Gadgets, Howtos, MIL, Opinion, Photography, Photos, POTD, Reference, Tips | No Comments »
Tuesday, August 4th, 2015
The National Day Parade usually sees a spectacular display of fireworks at the end of the display. Canon Imaging Academy shares three tips to capturing great photos of fireworks.

Shooting great snapshots of fireworks is not difficult, as long as you spend a little time preparing ahead. Today’s tip is on what to prepare and how to go about it. Photo credit: Canon Imaging Academy.
This year being Singapore’s 50th anniversary for independence, the fireworks will be unprecedented, with daily fireworks displays throughout the Jubilee Weekend.
If you’re planning to shoot the fireworks next Sunday on 9 August, check out three quick tips that the Canon Imaging Academy has shared.
The details for these tips will be posted as a three-part series over three days, with the first tip covered today.
So read on…
Tags:cameras, Canon, Canon Imaging Academy, EOS, Fireworks, howto, IXUS, jubilee, National Day Parade, NDP, photography, SG50, tips
Posted in Cameras, cameras, Canon, Compact camera, DSLR, EOS, Gadgets, gadgets, Howtos, IXUS, MIL, Opinion, Photography, Photos, Reference, Tips | No Comments »