Posts Tagged ‘MINDEF’
Saturday, January 7th, 2017
The Downtown Picic marks the commencement of public voting for N.E.mation! 11.

Highlights of the afternoon of fun include games, lucky draw, food, and Ryan and Sylvia from Night Owl Cinematics.
Student animators from the Top 10 teams will be present to showcase their completed 1-minute animations.
Admission FREE, registration NOT required. Bring along family & friends.
Tags:animation, Cathay, competition, MINDEF, N.E.mation!, N.E.mation! 11, ne11, nemation, Nexus, Singapore, t4tEvents
Posted in audioVisual, Contest, Education, Entertainment, Event forecast, events, Infographic, Party, t4tEvents, Video | No Comments »
Friday, December 9th, 2016
Here is a sampling of the art used in this year’s N.E.mation! competition.

Simple but innovative use of ink cartoons on plastic cups for use in stop-motion animation. Rotate the outer cup to get different facial expressions or different stages of a chin-up exercise. Prop by N.E. HEH HEH (#NE11C09).
To many, N.E.mation! 11 is first and foremost an animation competition – with animation themes based on the National Education message of building a strong and resilient country that can defend itself against adversity and external threats.
![My favourite is this finger puppet of a soldier sewn by [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01). Other finger puppets included civilian clothes like those worn by the Sylvanian family of toy figurines. My favourite is this finger puppet of a soldier sewn by [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01). Other finger puppets included civilian clothes like those worn by the Sylvanian family of toy figurines.](
My favourite is this finger puppet of a soldier sewn by [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01). Other finger puppets included civilian clothes like those worn by the Sylvanian family of toy figurines.
![Cut-out pop-up park to be used as background for the animation. The cylinder can be rotated to simulate movement of foreground objects in the animation. By [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01). Cut-out pop-up park to be used as background for the animation. The cylinder can be rotated to simulate movement of foreground objects in the animation. By [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01).](
Cut-out pop-up park to be used as background for the animation. The cylinder can be rotated to simulate movement of foreground objects in the animation. By [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01).
So a lot of emphasis is focused on the animation techniques used and how slick and accomplished the completed animation looks.

MADEit (#NE11C08) animates the images on a $10 Singapore bill, adding their own elements to it in their animation.
N.E.mation! 11 bestows upon participating teams the skills of digital animation.

Finding Sanity (#NE11C05) draws their artwork on a computer for their 2D 8-bit animation. I like the patchwork look.
More than that, the competition also brings out the artistic talents in every participating individual.

Passionfruit (#NE11C10) draws their artwork digitally on a graphics tablet.
Tags:animation, art, artwork, competition, MINDEF, N.E.mation!, N.E.mation! 11, National Education, ne11, nemation, Nexus, NYP, Singapore
Posted in audioVisual, Contest, Education, MINDEF, Video | No Comments »
Thursday, December 8th, 2016
We met with one of the Top Ten teams for this year’s N.E.mation! competition – “Passionfruit” from Evergreen Secondary School.
N.E.mation! 11 Team “Passionfruit” from Evergreen Secondary School. From left: Wong Xin Yuan Mabel, Maybelle Ong Hui Leng, Yolanda Low Jing Xuan, Pamela Lee (Li Ming Fang).
This team is the most passionate of the lot – seriously folks!

Leader of the bunch (of Passion fruits) – Mabel Wong Xin Yuan.
I could tell from talking with these four young ladies about the digital 2D animation that they have been working on for the past three weeks of production.
The title of their 1-minute animation is “Shields of Singapore”.
Using the allegory of an umbrella to express their main idea, the theme is that “Everyone is a shield of Singapore, no matter rain or shine”.
And this is embodied in what citizens do in their everyday lives, manifesting itself in how Singaporeans help one another in sticky situation and even in the littlest things – shielding one another from harm and giving a hand when needed.
Tags:Ahmad Ibrahim, animation, competition, MINDEF, N.E.mation!, N.E.mation! 11, ne11, NE11C10, nemation, Nexus, NYP, Passionfruit, Singapore, umbrella
Posted in audioVisual, Contest, Education, MINDEF, Video | 1 Comment »
Sunday, December 4th, 2016
We met with one of the Top Ten teams for this year’s N.E.mation! competition – N.E. HEH HEH from the Singapore Chinese Girls School (SCGS). Erin Tan reports.
N.E.mation! 11 Team “N.E. HEH HEH” from Singapore Chinese Girls School (SCGS). From left: Wang Lei, Sarah Mak, Karen Nakajima and Michelle Khor.
N.E. HEH HEH is the only team from SCGS in the Top Ten teams in this year’s N.E.mation! 11.

Wang Lei, the Secondary Three team leader of N.E. HEH HEH, a bubbly art student who also drew life-like portraits of the entire team – see below.
The team members consist of two Secondary Three ladies, who keep the team anchored, and two Secondary Ones, who keep things light-hearted and fun.
The two Sec Three girls – Wang Lei and Sarah Mak – are veterans from the school’s N.E.mation! 9 Top Ten team two years ago!
They told me that their team name is a play on the evil laughter of the character Pap from the video game Undertale, and the name “N.E.mation”.
The product of these three weeks of production will be a 60-second animation, to bring to life the ideas and storyline they proposed during the earlier pitching and selection rounds.
Tags:animation, competition, MINDEF, N.E.mation!, N.E.mation! 11, ne11, NE11C09, nemation, Nexus, NYP, SCGS, Singapore
Posted in audioVisual, Contest, Education, MINDEF, Video | 2 Comments »
Saturday, December 3rd, 2016
We met with one of the Top Ten teams for this year’s N.E.mation! competition – “[Blank Space]” from Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School. Erin Tan reports.
N.E.mation! 11 Team “[Blank Space]” from Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School. From left: Tan Jing Yi, Olivia Surrthi Ketheesan, Ng Hui Xin, and Nur Adilah Binte Jamaludin.
The team members are all from the same Secondary Two class.
They tell me they can never stop arguing with each other, yet they are able to work together in perfect harmony nonetheless.

Olivia Surrthi, Secondary Two, the tallest and supposedly the most mature of the group.
Their team name arose from not knowing what to name themselves, and so they came up with this creative name.
They say it has nothing to do at all with Taylor Swift’s song “Blank Space”, which became immensely popular two years ago when it was released.
After these three weeks of production are over, they will be required to submit a 60-second animation, the plot of which they have refined and perfected over the course of the selection rounds.
[Blank Space]’s animation revolves around a the imagery of a hand with five fingers – with each finger representing one of the five pillars of Total Defence – Military, Civil, Economic, Social, and Psychological Defence.
Tags:Ahmad Ibrahim, animation, competition, MINDEF, N.E.mation!, N.E.mation! 11, ne11, NE11C01, nemation, Nexus, NYP, Singapore, [Blank Space]
Posted in audioVisual, Contest, Education, MINDEF, Video | 3 Comments »
Sunday, November 27th, 2016
We met with one of the Top Ten teams for this year’s N.E.mation! competition – “MADEit” from Cedar Girls Secondary School. Erin Tan reports.
N.E.mation! 11 Team “MADEit” from Cedar Girls Secondary School. From left: Wendalyna Lye, Gwyneth Tey, Angel Goh, Nicolle Gan.
MADEit is one of three teams from Cedar Girls Secondary School (CGSS) that made it to the Top Ten for N.E.mation! 11 this year.
The team members are all veterans, having also made it to the Top Ten for N.E.mation! 10 last year.

De facto team leader, Angel Goh of “MADEit”, the veteran team from Cedar Girls Secondary School. Her teammates describe Angel as an “angelic angel”.
This year marks their comeback.
MADEit is made up of four ladies from CGSS, and they are all proud to have made it so far for two consecutive years – as evidenced by their team name.
As a school, CGSS is relatively new to the Top Ten round of the N.E.mation! series of animation competitions.
However, they are rapidly up-and-coming – from the lone team in the Top Ten of N.E.mation! (HigherThanYou, which clinched the 1st Runner’s up in 2014, to sporting three finalists in both last’s year’s N.E.mation! 10 Top Ten, and this year’s N.E.mation! 11.
Tags:animation, Cedar, CGSS, competition, MINDEF, N.E.mation!, N.E.mation! 11, ne11, NE11C08, nemation, Nexus, NYP, Singapore
Posted in audioVisual, Contest, Education, MINDEF, Video | 3 Comments »
Saturday, November 26th, 2016
I met with one of the Top Ten teams for this year’s N.E.mation! competition – “Finding Sanity” from CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School.
N.E.mation!11 Team “Finding Sanity” from CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School. From left: Michelle Li, Lim Wanyi, Christelle Tan, Amelia Tan.
Finding Sanity is one of two teams from CHIJ that made it to the Top Ten for N.E.mation! 11 this year.
The team comprises four chirpy ladies from CHIJ, which has been a powerhouse in the annual series of N.E.mation! competitions through the years.

Team Leader Lim Wanyi leads the team in search of sanity, and the top prize in N.E.mation! 11.
Past iterations of the National Education themed animation competition have frequently seen at least two entrants in the final Top Ten, whittled down from hundreds of aspiring teams from schools around Singapore.
Tags:animation, CHIJ, competition, MINDEF, N.E.mation!, N.E.mation! 11, ne11, NE11C05, nemation, Nexus, NYP, Singapore
Posted in audioVisual, Contest, Education, MINDEF, Video | 2 Comments »
Friday, November 4th, 2016
Second Minister for Defence Ong Ye Kung commemorates 35 years of innovation at the MINDEF PRIDE Day and officiates opening of SGDefence Exhibition at the Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

Speaking at the awards presentation ceremony, Second Minister for Defence Ong Ye Kung noted that this year marked the 35th anniversary of the PRIDE movement and commended the progress of the PRIDE movement over the years. Ong highlighted the importance of ensuring that MINDEF and SAF personnel continue to find ways to improve and innovate at their daily work. Click on infographic for a complete and enlarged view.
Second Minister for Defence Ong Ye Kung officiated at the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) PRIDE (PRoductivity and Innovation in Daily Efforts) Day 2016 awards presentation ceremony held at the Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre this morning.
SGDefence Exhibition
The public is invited to visit the SGDefence Exhibition, which is held at Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre Hall A from 4 to 8 November 2016, 11am to 8pm.
The exhibition features indigenous technology solutions from the DTC, projects of the MINDEF PRIDE Day 2016 and Smart Defence initiatives.
A total of 184 awards were presented to individuals, groups and units from MINDEF and the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) in recognition of their outstanding and innovative projects.
Through their innovations and work improvement ideas, savings exceeding $164 million were achieved in the last financial year.
To commemorate the 35th anniversary of the PRIDE movement, PRIDE pioneer and then-Permanent Secretary (Defence) Lim Siong Guan also gave a plenary speech on the intent of the PRIDE movement and the crucial role that innovation will play in Singapore’s future.
Tags:defence, defense, exhibition, innovation, military, MINDEF, PRIDE, SAF, Singapore, technology
Posted in Awards, Events, events, Infographic, MINDEF, Press Release | 2 Comments »
Thursday, November 3rd, 2016
The Defence Technology Community (DTC) in Singapore turns 50 this year and to celebrate that, DTC will be showcasing its indigenous innovations and solutions in an interactive exhibition – the SGDefence Exhibition.
Subiksha Krishnan checks out the exhibition and reports below.

The SGDefence Exhibition will be held from 4 to 8 November 2016 at Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre Hall A. The opening hours are 12.30pm to 8pm on 4 November and 11am to 8pm from 5 to 8 November. It is open to the public and is free.
The SGDefence exhibition features over 60 exhibits across five clusters.
Visitors can see, interact and experience the many technologies developed by the DTC and the ground-up innovation MINDEF PRoductivity and Innovation in Daily Efforts (PRIDE).
Technology in Defence
The five clusters will show how science and technology change the rules of the game and take Singapore’s defence capabilities to a whole new level.
Before entering the exhibition, visitors can complete the Event Passport located at the redemption booth to redeem your exclusive Access Card which can be kept as a memento.
The five clusters
The first cluster, Remembering Our Heritage, shows the nation’s first steps in defence R&D and the importance of building up Singapore’s defence capabilities in the early years of independence.

In Cluster 1, visitors can witness the evolution of DTC over the past five decades and learn about the nation’s humble beginnings and the challenging journey towards achieving what it has today.
The cluster includes a video that tells the story of Singapore’s humble beginnings in defence science and technology and a commemorative wall and video that highlights the DTC’s key milestones and innovations from 1966 to today and the various organisations and their responsibilities under the DTC’s charge.
Tags:defence, defense, exhibition, innovation, military, MINDEF, PRIDE, SAF, Singapore, technology
Posted in Awards, Events, events, Exhibition, Press Release, Technology, Visits | 1 Comment »