Here is a sampling of the art used in this year’s N.E.mation! competition.

Simple but innovative use of ink cartoons on plastic cups for use in stop-motion animation. Rotate the outer cup to get different facial expressions or different stages of a chin-up exercise. Prop by N.E. HEH HEH (#NE11C09).
To many, N.E.mation! 11 is first and foremost an animation competition – with animation themes based on the National Education message of building a strong and resilient country that can defend itself against adversity and external threats.
![My favourite is this finger puppet of a soldier sewn by [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01). Other finger puppets included civilian clothes like those worn by the Sylvanian family of toy figurines. My favourite is this finger puppet of a soldier sewn by [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01). Other finger puppets included civilian clothes like those worn by the Sylvanian family of toy figurines.](
My favourite is this finger puppet of a soldier sewn by [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01). Other finger puppets included civilian clothes like those worn by the Sylvanian family of toy figurines.
![Cut-out pop-up park to be used as background for the animation. The cylinder can be rotated to simulate movement of foreground objects in the animation. By [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01). Cut-out pop-up park to be used as background for the animation. The cylinder can be rotated to simulate movement of foreground objects in the animation. By [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01).](
Cut-out pop-up park to be used as background for the animation. The cylinder can be rotated to simulate movement of foreground objects in the animation. By [BlankSpace] (#NE11C01).
So a lot of emphasis is focused on the animation techniques used and how slick and accomplished the completed animation looks.

MADEit (#NE11C08) animates the images on a $10 Singapore bill, adding their own elements to it in their animation.
N.E.mation! 11 bestows upon participating teams the skills of digital animation.

Finding Sanity (#NE11C05) draws their artwork on a computer for their 2D 8-bit animation. I like the patchwork look.
More than that, the competition also brings out the artistic talents in every participating individual.

Passionfruit (#NE11C10) draws their artwork digitally on a graphics tablet.
What impresses me is how creative the students can get in expressing their ideas through the artwork used in the 1-minute animation clip.

Animating the artwork on a laptop after drawing on graphics tablet. By Passionfruit (#NE11C10).
It convinces me that there is an artist in every one of us, waiting for the right opportunity and stage to step forward.

Don’t you just love the beautiful digital patchwork art by Finding Sanity (#NE11C05)? That’s their mascot unicorn to the left.
N.E.mation! 11 is no exception – the participating teams were really innovative in coming up with various types of artwork for their animation.

MADEit (#NE11C08) animating a face from the S$10-bill using CrazyTalk Animator 3 software.
Artwork included cut-out background props, hand-drawn or digitally drawn scenes and cartoon characters, even skillfully handsewn finger puppets.

Ready – Get Set – GO!!! By rotating the outer cup, you can get three different stages of a chin-up exercise! By N.E. HEH HEH (#NE11C09).
So when you view the final animation clips, do keep an eye out for the art used in N.E.mation! 11.
Tags: animation, art, artwork, competition, MINDEF, N.E.mation!, N.E.mation! 11, National Education, ne11, nemation, Nexus, NYP, Singapore