Posts Tagged ‘factoid’

Factoid: How often do Millennials (or Gen Y) use Social Media?

Saturday, May 24th, 2014

Was having lunch last week with John Ruthven, Eugene Ho of SAP, Bob Aubrey of Mazars and a few other journos from the media – when Bob mentioned a study that Mazars did in 2013 about Millennials.

If you’re a “Millennial”, how often do you use social media? Click on image to view enlarged version.

If you’re a “Millennial”, how often do you use social media? Click on image to view enlarged version.

The study was conducted in 2013 and approached 6,900 Millennial employees in 64 countries worldwide, out of which 3,010 responded – that’s a remarkably high return rate.

Bob Aubrey is a Partner & Practice Leader, People Development Consulting at Mazars.   With more than 20 years’ experience in leadership and people development consulting, Dr Aubrey is also an entrepreneur, writer and professor.

Bob Aubrey, Partner & Practice Leader, People Development Consulting, Mazars. With more than 20 years’ experience in leadership and people development consulting, Dr Aubrey is also an entrepreneur, writer and professor.

The “Millennials” or, otherwise known as Gen Y (Generation Y) are defined in this study as young people born between the beginning of the 1980s and the mid-90s.

Since the Gen Y will account for a huge chunk of the world’s population and workforce in the near future, the demography is relevant to global companies such as SAP that provides business IT solutions to large enterprises and organisations employing these Millennials.

Currently, Millennials make up more than half of our workforce. This is expected to increase to 75% in 2025.

It would be interesting to watch how these statistics change over time to observe the underlying trend, although the result would not be surprising, given the increasing popularity of social media amongst the increasingly IT-savvy working population.

Here are some additional statistics surrounding Millennials.
