Posts Tagged ‘Gong Li’

3 smartphone portrait photography tips from Russel Wong

Sunday, May 17th, 2015

Celebrity photographer Russel Wong shared some of his tips on portrait photography using a smartphone in a workshop at the OPPO Concept Store in Suntec City Tower 3. Here are three of the tips attendees found most useful.

Celebrity photographer, Russel Wong sharing his experiences of taking portraiture using a smartphone.

Celebrity photographer, Russel Wong sharing his experiences of taking portraiture using a smartphone.

Russel Wong is one of the most profiled photographers in Singapore and Asia.

Described as a “celebrity photographer who also photographs celebrities”, Wong enjoys the acclaim of being the first Singaporean to break into the notoriously difficult Hollywood movie industry.

Below are 3 smartphone portraiture photography tips that Wong shared during the workshop using the OPPO N3 smartphone that was launched in Singapore back in end October 2014.

1. Hold the camera as vertical as possbile
