Posts Tagged ‘serum’

Weekend Revue: Kumuya – Rejuvenate Nutri-Serum Concentrate

Sunday, March 29th, 2020

So we’re in this period of great stress when everyone around the world is affected in one way or another by the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s something to “rejuvenate” the skin from the ravishes of life.

* Review submitted by guest reviewer, Jennifer Lee. This review was first published on Haleness Me.

“Rejuvenate” Nutri-Serum Concentrate from Kumuya.

“Rejuvenate” Nutri-Serum Concentrate from Kumuya.

I came by a bottle of Kumuya “Rejuvenate” Nutri-Serum Concentrate and gave it to a friend to try out.

She was so pleased with it that she volunteered to write me a review for it.


Oil-free Kumuya is surprisingly lightweight and wearable than most products I’ve used.

I like that Kumuya provides the added benefit as a plant-derived alternative to retinol.

So here’s something outside of tech for our reading pleasure on a lazy Sunday.

The Product

Kumuya Rejuvenate is a cream-coloured, gel-serum packed with powerful actives and micronutrients to stimulate and repair skin structure.

An anti-aging serum, it restores radiance and suppleness on the skin, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen production and nourishing the skin with vitamins and minerals.
