Here are some handy food photography tips from Jonathan Berriman.

We’ve all had that millennial moment where we are served a delicious looking dish and immediately stand up to take a photo. Sometimes it just looks too good not to. Food photographers are some of the most followed influencers on Instagram and for good reason: people love food. We love eating food, we love making food, and we love looking at food.
However, there are times when we go to take a photo of our tasty dish, only for it to come out looking like the dog’s dinner. When building a food photography brand, consistency is important and making sure each and every shot looks incredible is the key to success. Here are some of our top tips to make your food snaps look even more delicious.
The Right Light
One of the most important aspects of food photography is getting the right lighting. You don’t want a photo that’s too dark or overexposed. Natural lighting is by far the best light you can use as it adds a soft and vibrant look to your dish without making it look unnatural or giving it the colour tint that indoor lighting often does.
Backlighting and side lighting make for the best food photos. You don’t want to slide your plate right into the sunshine – it’s harsh and unflattering. And if natural light isn’t an option, there are some great indoor lights that can give that natural-light look. For example, the Lowel EGO Lights for food photography are artificial lights but they give a natural look to your photos. It’s not too bright, you don’t need to be an experienced professional to learn how to use it and it will have your food pics looking truly yummy.

The Right Lens
Choosing the right lens to use with your DSLR can be tricky when it comes to food photography. Depending on the kind of shot you want, the lens makes a huge difference. The so-called ‘nifty-fifty’ 50mm lens is one of the best you can use as a beginner. They are perfect for cropping your image and they are best used for flatlay shots. It’s a great lens to use in low light conditions with a high aperture, and it’s a budget-conscious lens.
If you want 45-degree angles for a softer, more detailed food shot, the 90-105mm Macro lens is ideal. They make the image look very flattering and the right lighting makes the dish look natural and detailed.

The Right Subject
Another important aspect of food photography is the food you use. Homemade food can look great, but it can be a gamble. While a homemade pizza may taste amazing, it might not look so great. The reason so many food photographers shoot in restaurants isn’t just for the great lighting, it’s for the professionally made food.
A professionally made pepperoni pizza will look far more photogenic, so if you don’t want to leave the house you could try ordering one from Deliveroo to help you get the best shot possible.
Food photography is a fun hobby and can even be a lucrative career. You don’t need all the expensive equipment to be a good photographer either as there are affordable options available. All it takes is the right lens, the right light, the right food and boom, you’ve got a photo that looks good enough to eat!
Tags: Food, hi-lite, howtos, photography, tips