Infographic: 10 IT innovations that changed our lives

Technology advancements and developments move so fast these days it’s so easy to take them for granted. For those old enough, can you remember the world before the Internet came about?

Developed by SolarWinds Head Geek, Lawrence Garvin, this infographic explores tech developments - from wireless networking and virtualisation to basic screenshot tools and everything in between - which have significantly impacted our lives, but that we perhaps never thought we actually needed. Click to view full enlarged version.

Developed by SolarWinds Head Geek, Lawrence Garvin, this infographic explores tech developments – from wireless networking and virtualisation to basic screenshot tools and everything in between – which have significantly impacted our lives, but that we perhaps never thought we actually needed. Click to view full enlarged version.

And not too long ago, before the proliferation of mobile devices, wasn’t it so troublesome to make a call or check something out while on the road?

These innovations have definitely made it much easier for us to do many things that used to be so much more tedious and time-consuming to accomplish.

But here’s some food for thought – has our lives actually become easier?

Do you sometimes feel that life in the past was somewhat more blissful?

Perhaps it is our human propensity to fully utilise our time that – instead of sitting back complacently to enjoy the extra time gained from IT innovations – we try to use the additional time gained to do even more.

And the bosses certainly expect that.

On top of that, thanks to greater global and mobile connectivity, your boss can contact you no matter where you are.

And if he/she is in the opposite time zone, start getting used to taking calls in the middle of the night.

The result is that our lives have become more hectic.

Perhaps, life back then was really more blissful.

Apart from the list above that was compiled by Lawrence Garvin, the rest of this post reflect my own thoughts about the impact of technology on our lives.

The line of thought may sound negative, but I still love the beauty of technology, especially its ability to help the less fortunate.

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