Toyota Motor Vietnam, one of Vietnam’s largest automobile manufacturers, is partnering with Synology to strengthen its data management infrastructure for its growing data storage and resiliency demands.

Toyota Motor Vietnam is deploying Synology’s data management infrastructure as a comprehensive solution to enhance business resilience and to achieve a 75% savings in data backup costs.
Toyota Motor Vietnam deployed Synology data management systems to securely store hundreds of terabytes of data that are generated from assembling tens of thousands of vehicles per year.
“Synology’s storage solution has increased our business resilience. Synology is reliable, secure, and provides future-proofing scalability for growing data needs,” said Bui Ta Hoan, IT Division Head at Toyota Motor Vietnam.
Together with Synology’s high availability and remote data protection features, Toyota Motor Vietnam’s IT infrastructure is now more resilient against disruptions.
The impetus for the rollout comes from the growth of production scale at Toyota Motor Vietnam over the years, which resulted in the need for more data storage for operation services and crucial data backups.
To safeguard their data from potential threats like ransomware, natural disasters, and human errors, Toyota Motor Vietnam sought a disaster-recovery solution.