Posts Tagged ‘NUS’
Friday, July 5th, 2024
StarHub and the National University of Singapore (NUS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today to collaborate on building Singapore’s first ‘Borderless University’.

Tan Shui-Min (left), Chief Information Technology Officer, National University of Singapore and Tan Kit Yong (right), Head of Enterprise Business Group, StarHub at the Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony.
The collaboration aims to elevate campus experience, enhance network connectivity and drive cutting-edge innovation.
It will leverage ultra-fast, uninterrupted and borderless connectivity, through the deployment of state-of-the-art digital infrastructure, to further elevate the University’s aspirations in education, research and innovation.
More details below from the press release.
Tags:5G, cellular, mobile, MOU, networks, NUS, security, Singapore, StarHub, VPN
Posted in Announce, Business IT, Education, Enterprise IT, Events, Internet, Network, Press Release, Security, Singapore, StarHub | No Comments »
Friday, August 21st, 2020
The InfinityGlove contains ultra-sensitive microfibre sensors that can translate hand gestures into in-game commands, allowing users to play first-person shooters such as Battlefield V without the need for a traditional controller or a keyboard.

The InfinityGlove was developed by a team of NUS researchers led by Professor Lim Chwee Teck (left). With him are two members of the research team, Dr Yeo Joo Chuan (centre) and Dr Yu Longteng (right). Photo: National University of Singapore.
Simply flex your index finger to fire your weapon and rotate your wrist clockwise to move forward. Immersive controls have always been a pipedream in the world of gaming but is steadily becoming reality.
Editor’s Comments
This is an interesting and innovative project.
Currently each finger of the glove contains one microfibre sensor that can differentiate two states – straightened or curled – due to the difference in conductivity of the liquid metal within the fibre in the two states.
So the overall status of the glove should be readable as a five-digit binary.
Would be good to add one more to the wrist to include bending of the wrist.
And in the longer term, I can think of two ways of improving the resolution of the sensing.
One would be to implement multiple sensors per strand of microfibre.
Another would be to weave multiple microfibre strands to provide a matrix detection pattern for a snapshot of the state of each sensor.
That could probably come in useful as a grid sensor to monitor the distribution of stresses/deformation on a surface etc.
A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS), led by Professor Lim Chwee Teck, has developed a smart glove – called ‘InfinityGlove’ – that allows users to mimic a variety of in-game controls using simple hand gestures.
While the concept of controlling a game using your hands is not new, the main problems have always been weight and flexibility.
The current generation of smart glove type controllers available on the market are usually bulky and rigid as they rely on conventional sensors which put the hard in hardware.
The InfinityGlove overcomes existing problems with weight and flexibility by weaving ultra-thin, highly sensitive microfibre sensors into the material of the glove.
These sensors are not only lightweight and accurate, but also fulfil the role of wires thus reducing the need for additional wiring.
Currently the prototype weighs about 40 grams, and is flexible and comfortable.
More details below from the press release.
Tags:gaming, healthtech, IoT, NUS, prototype, R&D, research, Singapore, Tech Focus, wearables
Posted in Accessories, Brief, Entertainment, Events, events, Gadgets, gadgets, Gaming, Gaming, Healthcare, Internet of Things, IoT, Medical, Mouse, Online, Opinion, Press Release, Robots, Tech Focus, Technology | 2 Comments »
Friday, September 13th, 2019
Today, imec and the National University of Singapore (NUS) announced the signing of a research collaboration agreement to develop chip-based prototypes for secure quantum communication networks.

Securing ourselves through quantum cryptography in a post-quantum world. Dr Charles Lim (left) of NUS and Joris Van Campenhout of imec.
In the frame of this five-year agreement, imec and NUS will jointly develop scalable, robust and efficient technologies for quantum key distribution and quantum random number generation, which are amongst the basic building blocks of a truly secure Quantum Internet.
Tags:imec, NRF, NUS, Quantum, Singapore
Posted in Announce, News, Press Release, Technology | No Comments »
Wednesday, August 15th, 2018
Alibaba Cloud held its Alibaba Cloud Summit in Singapore. It is the first summit in Asia Pacific that’s outside of China and Hong Kong.

Alibaba Cloud & National University of Singapore sign MOU to support the Smart Nation initiative. (From left to right) Raymond Ma, General Manager, ASEAN, ANZ, Alibaba Cloud; Dr. Min Wanli, Chief Machine Intelligence Scientist, Alibaba Cloud; Yeming Wang, Business President, Alibaba Cloud; Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister-in-Charge of the Smart Nation Initiative; Professor Bernard Yeung, Dean, NUS Business School; Professor Mohan Kankanhalli, Dean, NUS School of Computing; Associate Professor James Pang, Co-Director, NUS Business Analytics Centre.
The event, attended by around 1,000 participants, was graced by Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister-in-Charge of the Smart Nation Initiative.
The agenda included the following highlights.
- The signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding with the National University of Singapore.
- The launch of nine new solutions for the first time outside of China, some of them being the first of their kind in the industry.
- Announcement of an ASEAN Partner Alliance Programme, aiming to recruit 150 solution partners and train 600 sales and technology talents over the next 12 months.
Participants also got the chance to hear from Alibaba Cloud and industry experts on the latest advances in AI and Machine Learning.
Tags:Alibaba, cloud, NUS, Singapore
Posted in Alibaba, Announce, Business IT, Cloud, Enterprise IT, Events, events, Press Release, Seminars | No Comments »
Monday, March 21st, 2016
The relaunched company is targeting growth by four times in the next four years, on a quest to establish itself as Asia-Pacific’s leading cyber security player.

“Following the relaunch, our new brand identity, renewed business focus and increased investments will bolster Quann’s capabilities to address the region’s growing need for cyber security services. This positions us well to achieve our ambition of four-fold growth by 2020 and become Asia-Pacific’s leading cyber security player,” said Foo Siang-tse, Managing Director, Quann.
e-Cop was a homegrown Managed Security Services Provider and a business unit of Singapore’s leading security organization Certis CISCO.
“Security is in our DNA and we provide a unique value proposition to our clients. By combining cutting-edge technologies with the skills, insights and experience of our cyber security professionals, we are able to provide organizations with comprehensive and customized security solutions, which are underpinned by robust processes and resilient infrastructure,” said Foo Siang-tse, Managing Director, Quann..
The company has now relaunched as Quann – pronounced “kwan” as in the word “quantity”.
The initiative comes with the expansion of its security offerings and next-generation Security Operations Centers (SOCs), as well as investments in manpower development.
This will enable Quann to expand its current regional footprint across Asia-Pacific and beyond.
The relaunch also introduces a new logo and tagline, which represent Quann’s business focus and objectives.
The logo symbolises the continuous circle of protection afforded to customers.
Tags:Business IT, Certis CISCO, e-Cop, enterprise IT, NUS, Palo Alto Networks, Quann, security, Singapore, SMU, SOC, Team8
Posted in Announce, Business IT, Enterprise IT, Events, events, Figures, Launch, News, Press Release, Security, Software, Tech news | No Comments »
Thursday, August 28th, 2014
SingAREN-Lightwave Internet Exchange (SLIX) will boost international collaborations for Singapore’s research and education community.

SingAREN-Lightwave Internet Exchange (SLIX)
Singapore Advanced Research and Education Network (SingAREN) has announced the launch of SingAREN-Lightwave Internet Exchange (SLIX), the first 100Gbps community network to be set up in the Southeast Asia region.
“SingAREN is proud to be the first to launch a 100 Gbps research and education network in the region. By increasing the network speed by ten-fold and with our suite of value-added services, SingAREN aims to facilitate collaborations amongst our local research organisations and with their international counterparts,” said A/Prof Francis Lee Bu Sung, President of SingAREN.
With SLIX, Singapore’s Research and Education (R&E) community will gain seamless access to a super high speed network with a hundred times more capacity than before; and enjoy bandwidth fully dedicated to their use.
Built on an optical fibre core comprising dark fibres, SLIX allows resiliency, future capacity upgrade, and technology-proof network connectivity.
The new network also opens up new possibilities as a test-bed, extending database mirroring services, bilateral disaster recovery, high performance computing federation and shared services, high volume peering for content data networks and other value-adding services to the R&E community.
In addition, SLIX will also enable research organisations to test different protocols for interconnections such as the Infiniband; and optical network researchers to carry out their experiments.

SLIX Ring Setup
Tags:3D Networks, A*STAR, NRF, NUS, SingAREN, SLIX
Posted in Business IT, Enterprise IT, Events, Internet, Launch, Network, Tech news | No Comments »
Saturday, October 8th, 2011
The second of two presentations at the NUS-ISS seminar, “Did you shanzhai today?“, on Friday was on her research on the model of imitation-based innovation that has developed in China over recent years.

Dr. Virginia Cha, Chief Research, ISS-NUS
Dr. Virginia Cha is the Chief of Research at the Institute of Systems Science (ISS).
ISS is a specialist training institute of the National University of Singapore (NUS) offering professional information technology upgrading, conversion and continuing education and training programmes to managers and IT practitioners and technologists.
Cha has been following the shanzhai (山寨) phenomenon in China for the past few years, and shared the findings of her recent field trip to Shenzhen (深圳) in China in August and September this year, when she visited the hive of shanzhai community in Huaqiangbei (华强北).
Essentially, shanzhai describes the model of innovation where entrepreneurs in China start by copying a successful newly launched product The big question I had prior to her talk was “what is the difference between shanzhai and outright piracy?”– say a tablet computer or smartphone – add innovative features that enhance performance or localisation, and quickly bring it to market.
Some shanzhai products eventually became so successful that the original products they’d been based on ended up picking up features added by the shanzhai makers.
Cha made it clear with examples that many who merely imitated products usually failed eventually. The successful shanzhai practitioners were those who were able to exercise innovation by enhancing the product they started off imitating. The imitation was only a start – a quick level up.Some of these shanzhai makers became so successful they mature into large companies themselves and attracted other pirates and shanzhai imitators.
All in all, it was an informative lecture, enriched by plenty of actual shanzhai hardware that Virginia had procured for the purpose of research during her field trip. From her description, Huaqiangbei might just end up becoming the equivalent of the Sillicon Valley in the US.
Tags:China, Huaqiangbei, ISS, NUS, shanzhai, Shenzhen, Virginia Cha
Posted in Events, Seminars, Technology | 1 Comment »
Saturday, September 24th, 2011
As part of the NUS-ISS Innovation Update Seminar series, two speakers will cover – on 7 October 2011 – a common form of innovation in China now. “Shanzhai” refers to the production of high-quality, very rapid imitation of new, branded products by low-cost, no-brand competitors.

Free NUS-ISS seminar on "Shanzhai" on Friday 7 October 2011
According to the e-brochure, “the shanzhai innovation phenomenon parallels Linux’s cathedral and bazzar movement, a term coined by software architect Eric Raymond to describe the open source movement where the Cathedral model is restricted to an exclusive group as contrasted to the Bazaar model where developers self-organize in view of the public.”The seminar promises to review new products churned out by the shanzhai movement, and the rapid evolution of the aggressive shanzhai-style manufacturers – all pointing to the underlying vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.
If you’re looking to keep up with the latest in innovation, register for this FREE seminar by 3 October 2011.
The seminar is presented by the Institute of Systems Science (ISS), a specialist training institute of the National University of Singapore (NUS) offering professional information technology upgrading, conversion and continuing education and training programmes to managers and IT practitioners and technologists.
Date |
7 October 2011 (Friday) |
Time |
8:45 am to 11:30 am |
Venue |
Institute of Systems Science (ISS) |
Address |
25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119615 |
The two speakers at the seminar are Benjamin Joffe, CEO of +8*, and Dr. Virginia Cha, Senior Programme Director of Innovation at ISS.
The detailed agenda and biographies of the speakers can be found in this e-brochure.
Tags:innovation, ISS, NUS, shanzhai
Posted in Events | 3 Comments »