IFA 2023 Preview: Five Singapore Exhibitors Head to Berlin

The Singapore-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (SGC) gathered the five Singapore companies who will be flying the Singapore flag at IFA 2023 to give sneak previews of the main products that they are showcasing at the annual consumer electronics and home appliances fair.

Singapore products being showcased in IFA 2023 (clockwise from top left): myFirst Fone S3 smartphone for kids, OxyTap 5 oxygen infuser, igloohome Smart Padlock 2, UB+ dB1 Doublebass Bluetooth Speaker, Red Monster Power Air Mini portable charger.

Singapore products being showcased in IFA 2023 (clockwise from top left): myFirst Fone S3 smartphone for kids, OxyTap 5 oxygen infuser, igloohome Smart Padlock 2, UB+ dB1 Doublebass Bluetooth Speaker, Red Monster Power Air Mini portable charger.

IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin – international radio exhibition Berlin) is a global consumer electronics and home appliances show held annually in Berlin in September.

The exhibitors from Singapore heading out to IFA 2023, together with members of the media.

The exhibitors from Singapore heading out to IFA 2023, together with members of the media.

IFA this year will be from 1-5 September and will include the following five home-grown tech brands from Singapore.

  1. igloohome
  2. OxyTap
  3. Red Monster
  4. UB+
  5. myFirst

We had the chance to preview the main products that these brands will be exhibiting at IFA 2023, and will feature some of these in more detail in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned!

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10 Responses to “IFA 2023 Preview: Five Singapore Exhibitors Head to Berlin”

  1. Amelia Wong says:

    I was just looking at that smartwatch for my girl. Is it more of a toy for kids or does it really have all those functionalities they promise?

    • tech4tea says:

      Yes it’s a fully functional smartwatch! It looks kiddy to make it more attractive to kids but it’s not a toy and works like an adult watch (heartrate, step counts etc) with added features to help to keep an eye out for your kid and even comes with a SIM card.

  2. Lena Klepson says:

    I just got this for my daughter last month. Didn’t want to give her a smartphone yet since she’s only 9. This watch really helps me to keep in touch and monitor her at the same time.

  3. Cliff Goh says:

    wow that lock looks really solid. But I don’t need such a big lock. I’m looking for a smart lock. Wondering if there’s one with fingerprint sensor, can unlock like the smartphone. Don’t need to look for keys etc.

    • tech4tea says:

      oh actually igloohome has one with “secure biometric access through AI powered fingerprint recognition”. It’s called the igloohome Smart Padlock Lite and is one of the models the company is showcasing in IFA. It’s smaller and more compact than the Smart Padlock 2 in the photo. You can check it out if interested.

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